piektdiena, 2012. gada 16. marts

Monday-something you can laugh about

Spring break has almost ended there have 2 days left. In short words about this week- 
On Monday I had to do something interesting- I was one persons slave , for two hours. Don’t get me wrong, because it’s just because we had a bet that I lost, so I helped him shop, carried his stuff and also helped to dress up. To dress him up was the funniest thing I have ever done because he was acting like a little kid and from that cabin came out sounds like uuu, aa , ghaaaa, stop it , here it goes, yesss :D an we came out red and with bad hair style, so women who worked there looked at us and laughed :D:D
On Tuesday a met some of my friends. Well all the time I have been this optimistic person, who sees in everyone only the good side, well they changed that, because I understood that people who were kind and nice and all the good, actually are bi***es , I don’t want to be rude, but that’s just how it is, so for now on I won’t be so optimistic.
On Wednesday I met Paula and Santa I spent all day with them. We were like eweryvere, we ate a lot, and I found out about this cool place Illy caffee, actually it’s a Hipster caffee :D
And now it’s  Friday and will see how it goes ...

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